Machine: "Heya there J, how are ya? Wanna come in for a little visit? Come on in here and just sit for a bit, won't cha?."

This is what Carmel gained from my insanity. A brand new skirt that was once her mama's shirt. My 5 minute sewing fix. I had been saving this, much to small for me, shirt because I just loved the fabric so much (tissue cotton, I think) and I couldn't bear to pass it along. I lopped off the shirt somewhere below the sleeves and put in an elastic casing. I saved the hem at the bottom of the shirt to be the skirt hem. Easy. Easy. Which is about my speed right now.
Me: "No time. There's just no time right now, why, with weeds in the garden and strawberries to pick. You understand, of course. " I replied weakly.
Machine: (Gaining confidence) "Come on. You know you want to. No one has to know. Just a few stitches. What's it gonna hurt?
Me: "Oh I guess you're right....just a few stitches...a few stitches....that never hurt anyone....Okay...I'll be right in!
The material makes for a perfect summer weight skirt for the Carms. It is long enough to cover her little legs from the sun and light enough to stay cool. I love it.
YOu are just amazing how you use a few minutes to make something. I think I just need more time to really be creative, I might just stitch an arm to a doll, or so, but that's much less rewarding... We are back, by the way, and looking for new adventures (not just sewing ones...) Anke